In the religious land of Lo widely influenced by the benevolent Buddhist masters universally known as Zangpo Namsum, Lowo Monthang Dragkar Thekchen Ling is one of the thriving Buddhist monasteries. At the behest of the noble being Ngorchen Dorje Chang Kunga Sangpo during the reign of the religious king Ame Pal and Kalon/ minister Tsewang Sangpo, the people in the region laboured collectively to establish four great monasteries in the four directions of Khachoe, the ancient palace. To the south lies Dragkar Thekchen Ling, established in the fifteenth century and has since been consistently engaged in the preservation of Buddhism for the benefit of every individual and for universal peace.
One of my oldest Portfolio, layout done in Photoshop, HTML, CSS and some libraries for slider, bootstrap for responsive. Static site with good looks and theme for Buddhist religious website.
- Photoshop
- CSS3
- jQuery / JS
- Bootstrap
- Php